Samantha Crowe
Medium: Glass, Wood
Yawning Crowe Congeries is a wide-ranging collection of elegantly rendered arts and hand-crafted items using a variety of mediums; enchantingly bountiful in whimsy, grace, wow and a touch of who knows. Intently rendered with a love of creation, a heart enveloped by imagination and the appreciation of all things crafted by hand.
Studio Name: yawning Crowe congeries
Studio address: 21442 River Road, Maple Ridge. Studio #10 (with Tracy Quinsey, Theo Carson, Raeanne Schachter)
Phone: 778-886-8222
Email: yawningcrowecongeries@gmail.com
Website: yawningcrowecongeries.com
Instagram: yawningcrowecongeries
Facebook: yawningcrowecongeries
Washroom Available.